
In order to walk in the commencement 仪式, you must apply for graduation and indicate your interest in participating with the 注册商’s Office. 关于如何 毕业申请如下. Deadline to apply for graduation and for your name to appear in the program is 3月29日th. If you have any questions, please contact the 注册商’s Office at 870-460-1034.

If you are not currently enrolled and need to apply for graduation, please contact 注册办公室电话:870-460-1034.   


  • Your major(s) and minor(s), if any, should be correct before applying for graduation.
  • If your major(s) and/or minor(s) need to be updated, submit a Change of Major form 注册官办公室.
  • Log into WeevilNet through the bc365游戏 homepage
  • 点击 自助服务
  • 点击 学生中心
  • 在“学术”下,点击 其他学术…
  • 点击 申请毕业; 点击绿色圆圈中的箭头
  • 点击链接到你的学术课程
  • 选择 预计毕业日期 从下拉菜单中
  • 点击 继续
  • 输入信息/复选框
  • 点击 提交的应用程序
  • 更新 Diploma Name and Address (学生中心—Personal Information)


Request to Participate in 毕业典礼 仪式 for 学生 Not Graduating


bc365游戏书店将主办 2024春季毕业博览会 on 3月11日星期一th 到3月15日星期五th. If you are unable to attend, please contact the bc365游戏书店 at 870-460-1055 and provide your height, weight, and degree type to order your cap and gown. 在毕业典礼上, you will be able to order your cap and gown, order official bc365游戏 personalized graduation announcements, and purchase a diploma frame.

The university provides keepsake caps, gowns, and tassels to under研究生 and 研究生 学生.

Graduate 学生 who participate in commencement must order the appropriate hood.


For questions, please contact the bc365游戏书店 at 870-460-1055.

5月9日星期四th 下午三点.m.
赫尔曼·C. Steelman 场的房子

5月10日星期五th at 10:00 a.m. 下午2点.m.
赫尔曼·C. Steelman 场的房子

早上9点开始.m. 10点一班.m. 毕业典礼上,毕业生必须到学校报到 注册商's Office table near the bell on the west side of Weevil Pond. 一旦签署了 in, 研究生s will be lined up by bc365游戏 staff in order of their academic discipline. 请不要迟于上午9:30排队.m.

下午一点开始.m. 下午两点.m. 毕业典礼上,毕业生必须到学校报到 注册商's Office table near the bell on the west side of Weevil Pond. 一旦签到,毕业生 will be lined up by bc365游戏 staff in order of their academic discipline. 请进 排队时间不迟于下午1:30.m.

*All event details are subject to change due to weather or COVID-19 guidance from 州和联邦机构.

The event will be streamed live online at bc365游戏ont.edu.


10:00 a.m. 仪式 2:00 p.m. 仪式


  • College of 林业、农业 and 自然资源


  • College of 林业、农业 and 自然资源
  • School of 数学 and 自然科学
  • 护理学院
  • 社会与行为科学学院
  • 通识研究部


  • 艺术与人文学院
  • 教育学院


  • 艺术与人文学院
  • 商学院
  • 计算机信息系统学院
  • 教育学院



Graduates should continue to check 电子邮件 regularly as the event approaches. 

To learn more about the commencement exercises, all 研究生s are strongly encouraged to attend the rehearsal scheduled for 5月9日星期四th,下午3点.m. 在Steelman 场的房子里面.

Only 研究生s who have confirmed their participation with the 注册商 are approved 参加仪式. No personal items of 研究生s will be stored during 颁奖典礼. 

Graduates must bring their herald card, 标记, and hood (if a 研究生 student). These items are available through the bookstore located on your home campus. 帽、 gowns and tassels are free to 研究生s and will be available for pickup beginning 5月6日星期一th. To 适应 those attending rehearsal on 5月9日星期四th,书店将在下午5点关门.m. 硕士研究生 一定要买一顶合适的船长帽吗. You must bring an official ID to receive your 标记.



经办人:先生. 比利霍格

Review the commencement stoles and cords policy  在这里.

Please direct stoles and cords questions to: Studentprograms@kennedyrecordings.com 


毕业典礼 is a time to celebrate and enjoy your accomplishments. 然而,它是, 同时,礼仪. You are asked to honor the spirit of this important occasion by conducting yourself in a manner that is respectful of your guests, the guests of others, 你们的毕业生们,还有你们. Graduates are expected to honor the dignity associated with commencement and maintain an appropriate measure of decorum during 颁奖典礼.

Graduates shall refrain from unsafe and/or disruptive behavior, which includes but is not limited to, noisemakers or other loud devices, taking selfies while on the 毕业典礼 platform, pranks, dancing of any kind, stepping, stomping, hopping, chanting 和/或声音或视觉干扰. Graduates shall proceed across the stage in a 谨慎、安全、专业的态度. 是时候更热烈地庆祝了 after 颁奖典礼 has concluded and all 研究生s have exited the facility.


Doors at Steelman 场的房子 will open to guests at 9:00 a.m. 10点一班.m. 仪式及下午1:00.m. 下午两点.m. 仪式. 早上的客人被要求离开 the premises as soon as possible to allow for setup of the afternoon 仪式.

NCAA 清袋政策 remains in place for any event held in an athletic facility, including 毕业典礼. 

Due to visibility concerns, please do not bring balloons into the facility.

摄影:  For your convenience, bc365游戏 has secured a professional photographic service to take photos of each 研究生 as they receive their degrees. 一张照片将邮寄至 每位毕业生免费. These will be mailed with diploma certificates at the end of July or the first of August for May 研究生s. 将会有一个摄影站 位于象鼻虫池塘的钟旁.

停车 will be available in lots around the campus. Accessible parking is available at Steelman 场的房子. Golf cart transportation to Steelman 场的房子 will be provided to 校园的客人.



食物和饮料 不会 允许进入田间小屋.


为了安排足够的座位,任何 研究生 with mobility limitations requiring special seating should contact the 注册商’s Office at 870-460-1034 as soon as possible. 毕业生: 家人和/或客人 who need special seating arrangements due to mobility limitations should contact the Office of 学术事务 at 870-460-1032 as soon as possible.

If you do not find the answer to your question above, please contact the Office of 教务处电话:870 460-1032或 academicaffairs@kennedyrecordings.com.